It was quite a record-setting (or is it record-breaking?) Women's USTA/ITA Indoor Championship. On Saturday night, Georgia Tech made the history books as they broke Stanford's four-year, 89 match winning streak. It marked the first time anyone on the current Stanford team had even lost a match. The Yellow Jackets, led by Bryan Shelton, continued their winning ways to the title when the No. 4 team took out second-seeded Notre Dame in the finals, 4-2. The Fighting Irish certainly put on a great tournament with an undefeated weekend for freshman Cosmina Ciobanu. Special mention should also go to Georgia Tech freshman Kirsten Flower, who won four straight set matches, and the tournament's USTA Sportsmanship Award winner, Jenna Long of North Carolina.
Geogia Tech (4) 4, Notre Dame (2) 2
Catrina Thompson (ND) defeated Kristi Miller (GT), 6-3,2-6,6-1
Kirsten Flower (GT) defeated Colleen Rielley (ND), 6-2,6-1
Christy Striplin (GT) defeated Christian Thompson (ND), 6-1,6-3
Kelcy Tefft (ND) vs. Alison Silverio (ND), Did not finish
Cosmina Ciobanu (ND) defeated Tarryn Rudman (GT), 7-5,6-3
Amanda Craddock (GT) defeated Brook Buck (ND), 2-6,7-5,6-2
Miller/Whitney McCray (GT) defeated Thompson/Thompson (ND), 9-7
Buck/Tefft (ND) defeated Silverio/Rudman (GT), 8-6
Flower/Craddock (GT) defeated Ciobanu/Kali Krisik (ND), 8-6
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