ITA/Rolex NJCAA Division II Rankings
Final 1998

1. DeKalb College
2. Collin County Community College
3. Jefferson College
4. Vicennes University
5. Cowley County Community College
6. Jefferson State
7. Johnson County Community College
8. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
9. Wallace State
10. Enterprise Community College
11. Kilgore College
12. Kalamazoo Valley Community
13. Central Alabama Community
14. Temple Community College
15. Pima Community College
16. Lewis And Clark
17. Scottsdale Community College
18. Chattanooga State
19. Hinds College
T20. Barton Community College
T20. College of Lake County
T20. Glendale Community College
T20. Jones County Community College
T20. Lakeland College
T20. Seminole Community College
T20. Technical College of Lowcountry
1. Pima Community College
2. Collin County Community College
3. Chattanooga St Tech & Community
4. Barton County Community College
5. Sinclair Community College
6. Temple College
7. Central Florida Community College
8. College of Lake County
9. Jefferson State Community College
10. Hinds Community College
11. Johnson County Community College
12. Enterprise State Community College
13. Sprinfield College
14. Mesa Community College
15. Wallace State Community College
16. Copaih-Lincoln Community College
17. Kilgore College
18. Belleville Area College
19. Grand Rapids College
20. Young Harris College
1. Rodrigo Nacimento, DeKalb
2. Susheel Narla, Jefferson State
3. Armando Barbera, Enterprise
4. Ivan Sanchez, Kalamazoo Valley
5. Johan Lonner, Miss Gulf Coast
6. Thad O'Grady, Scottsdale
7. Andreas Morfiadakis, Vincennes
8. Gustav Bucht, DeKalb
9. Tomas Johansson, Vincennes
10. Eric Contreras, Temple
11. Pablo Mayorga, Cowley
12. Lenin Cardenas, DeKalb
13. Juan Jose Sainz, Johnson Cty
14. Chris Van Vreden, Collin Cty
15. Hector Clavijo, Chattanooga St
16. Bill Tanurchis, Jefferson
17. Thato Kgosimore, Ctrl Alabama
18. Olaf Huber, Olney Ctrl
19. Alex Washington, Tech College
20. Carl Rudblad, Jefferson St
21. Rodrigo Puebla, Wallace St
22. Brandon Zackey, Enterprise
23. Relja Popovic, Jefferson
24. Jason Staiger, Collin Cty
25. Brandon Johnson, Kilgore
26. Pete Saunders, Collin Cty
27. Marnix Hoefnagal, Collin Cty
28. John Casey, DeKalb
29. James Betts, Wallace St
30. Robbie Todd, Kalamazoo
31. Jean-Fr. AUberson, MS Gulf Coast
32. Mark Merz, Glendale Comm
33. Shae Wright, Cowley Cty
34. Andy Price, Temple
35. Yassine Herraz, Lewis & Clark
36. Michael Cheves, Collin Cty
37. Rian Greaves, Ctrl Alabama
38. Brian Hejtmanek, Johnson
39. C.J. Colburn, Scottsdale
40. Jean Paul Mendes, Enterprise
41. Seth Morgan, Cowley Cty
42. James Komakesh, Barton Cty
43. Farbod Farmand, Gadsden St
44. Henri Prillevitz, Northwest Shoals
45. Roberto Campos, Chattanooga St
46. Igal Buberman, Hinds
47. Adam Frink, DeKalb
48. Jeff wellman, Pima
49. Mike Thomas, Seward Comm
50. Josh Harris, Collin Cty
1. Petra Schemm, Collin Cty
2. Claudia Loyola, Pima
3. Carla Jimenez, Springfield
4. Alejandra Gomez, Chattanooga
5. Erika Offerdahl, Clg Lake Cty
6. Emily Hewitt, Hinds
7. Andrea Johnson, Barton Cty
8. Mindy Baker, Young Harris
9. Anissa Moveno, Pima
10. Jessica St. John, Chattanooga
11. Jodi Saunders, Jefferson St
12. Marta Krzywick, Collin Cty
13. Regan Dodd, Johnson Cty
14. Dawn Byrd, Wallace St
15. Ahsley Yarbrough, Kilgore
16. Ann Harple, Ctrl Florida
17. Brandy Winward, Mesa
18. Leah King, Grand Rapids
19. Rosemary Lee, Enterprise
20. Timaree Chastan, Kilgore
21. Diana Marti, Enterprise
22. Monica Standley, Sinclair
23. Maggie Davis, Temple
24. Jami King, Johnson
25. Sarah Leninsky, Clg Lk Cty
26. Wendy Kniffen, Kilgore
27. Julie Van, Copiah-Lincoln
28. Ashley Winborne, Hinds
29. Jami Stein, Mesa
30. Carrie Wendt, Barton Cty
31. Debbie Loray, Pima
32. Marcele Guerrero, Collin Cty
33. Diana Feinrock, Sinclair
34. Elizabeth Isonhood, Chattanooga
35. Kara Bloomquist, Temple
36. Jennifer Meyer, Clg Lk Cty
37. Lacey Graham, Mesa
38. Meredith Boone, Jefferson St
39. Casse Watkins, Barton Cty
40. Rebecca Clemens, Collin Cty
41. Shawna Hlis, Ctrl Florida
42. Melissa Marthouse, Clg Lk Cty
43. Melissa Trimby, Chattanooga
44. Krista Price, Barton Cty
45. Becky Knight, Temple
46. Katie St. Clair, Ctrl Florida
47. Michelle Nunnally, DeKalb
48. Tonya Groucher, Pima
49. Renee Willmore, Enterprise
50. Tarreka Ephriam, Temple
CyberEdit Editing and Writing Service
1. Narla/Rudbland, Jefferson St
2. Bucht/Nacimento, DeKalb
3. Mayorga/Wright, Cowley Cty
4. Tanurchis/Popovic, Jefferson
5. Lonner/Auberson, Miss Gulf Coast
6. Morfiadakis/Johansson, Vincennes
7. Betts/Puebla, Wallace St
8. Sanchez/Todci, Kalamazoo Vly
9. Contreras/Price, Temple
10. Casey/Frink, DeKalb
11. Van Vreden/Anderson, Collin Cty
12. Clavijo/Campos, Chattanooga
13. Hoefnagel/Saunders, Collins Cty
14. O'Grady/Colburn, Scottsdale
15. Buberman/Morris, Hinds
16. Kgosmore/Floconei, Ctrl Alabama
17. Barbara/Studoge, Enterprise
18. McClain/Wellman, Pima
19. Larabee/Lye, Seminole
20. Hillsman/Paseel, Kilgore
21. Kornahesh/Gomez, Barton Cty
22. Huber/Vaughn, Olney Ctrl
23. Chaives/Staiger, Collin Cty
24. Thomas/Samplia, Seward Cty
25. Hejrianek/Madirn, Johnson Cty

1. Rebecca Clemens/Petra Schemm, Collin Cty
2. Alejandra Gomez/Jessica St. John, Chattanooga
3. Claudia Loyola/Anissa Moreno, Pima
4. Dawn Byrd/Kim McCravy, Wallace St
5. Sarah Lesinksi/Erica O'Ferdahl, Clg Lk Cty
6. Carla Jimenez/Amy Nagale, Springield
7. Andrea Johnson/Casse Watkins, Barton Cty
8. Emily Beene/Jodi Saunders, Jefferson St
9. Diana Finrock/Monica Standley, Sinclair
10. Debbi Loray/Marilyn Reason, Pima
11. E. Isonhood/Melinda Trimby, Chattanooga
12. Marcela Guerro/Marta Krzywick, Collin Cty
13. Melissa Delong/Krista Price, Barton Cty
14. Mandy Cook/Diana Marti, Enterprise
15. Ashley Winbore/Leslie Hewitt, Hinds
16. Timaree Chastain/Becky Knight, Kilgore
17. Lacy Graham/Brady Winword, Mesa
18. Allison Campbell/Leah Klug, Grand Rapids
19. Regan Dodd/Ashley Snipes, Johnson Cty
20. Meredith Boone/Cassie Whitworth, Jefferson St
21. Sunny Bailey/Jami King, Johnson Cty
22. Kelly Fields/Rachel Moser, Hinds
23. Jennifer Moome/April Pryor, Hinds
24. Jennifer Blocker/Katie St. Clair, Ctrl Florida
25. Donna Silvert/Jan Williams, Sinclair

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