Q: What has been your best win?
A: "This tournament (Kalamazoo). This has been my best win and the best tournament I've played. Definitely."
Q: What tournament did you have the most fun at?
A: "I had fun here and I had a lot of fun at Claycourts, actually. We played at a really nice country club for a couple of days. It was quiet and the courts were really nice. Maybe a tie between here and Claycourts."
Q: What tournament haven't you played yet that you are most looking forward to playing?
A: "I think Orange Bowl and Eddie Herr. I haven't been to either of those yet and I'm looking forward to going. And Junior U.S. Open. I'm looking forward to that one right now."
Q: "Does anyone else in your family play tennis?"
A: "My dad does. He was a pro who got to about 360 in the world. And my brother (Davey) plays for the University of Tennesee. And my mom plays a little bit."