Q: What has been your best win?
A: "Probably the Girls' 16 Claycourts last year. That was a huge match in my career. That kind of got things rolling for me. That would have to be my best win."
Q: What tournament did you have the most fun at?
A: "The US Open last year. The Junior US Open. That was my first time being there. I had never even been there to watch before. It was just an awesome experience. Even though I lost in the first round I had a great experience being around everything. That was very exciting."
Q: What tournament haven't you played yet that you would most like to?
A: "All the other Grand Slams. I hope to in the coming year. They are just the biggest tournaments in the world. I'd just like to get the experience of being there."
Q: Have you been to any of them as a spectator?
A: "No."
Q: Where are you going from here?
A: "I have the International Hardcourts next and probably the Canadian Open before the US Open."
Q: Does anyone else in your family play tennis?
A: "Yes. My brother plays quite a bit. He's 13. He plays mostly sectionals, states. He played a couple of nationals. He's just starting to get going. My dad plays a little, socially."
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