December, 2006 continued

Q: What has been your best win?
A: "I guess I would say the NCAA doubles my sophomore year or All American Championships my junior year."

Q: What tournament did you have the most fun at?
A: "I would probably have to say Kalamazoo. I think a lot of people would say that. The whole town turns out. It's a great atmosphere to play at."

Q: Is there a tournament you haven't played yet that you're looking forward to playing?
A: "Maybe Wimbledon. If that's in the cards for me in the future. When you think of tennis, you think Wimbledon, so if I can ever get high enough to play that it would be pretty special."

Q: Did you ever play Junior Wimbledon?
A: "No, I never did. I never played many ITFs."

Q: Does anyone else in your family play tennis?
A: "No. My dad plays occassionally. My brother used to play. My other brother never played at all. It's kind of weird."

Q: So how did you get involved with tennis?
A: "I kind of picked it up at an early age and stuck with it. I had some pretty good result early on."

Q: At what age did you start playing?
A: "I think about 8 or 9."

Q: When was your first tournament?
A: "My first tournament was nine, I think. I played some 10 and under tournament in North Carolina. I can't remember which one."

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