Q: What has been your best win?
A: "That's tough. There are a couple of matches that stand out, but none that really hit me as my best win."
Q: What tournament did you have the most fun at?
A: "I had a lot of fun at this tournament (the USTA National Spring Championships), except yesterday (when she lost the singles semis and the doubles finals)."
Q: Do you play any other sports?
A: "I used to run track, but not anymore. I quit because of tennis. It wasn't as much fun."
Q: Is there a tournament you haven't played yet that you really want to?
A: "The U.S. Open. Juniors. I really want to play that -- so badly."
Q: Maybe this year.
A: "Hopefully."
Q: At what age did you start playing tennis?
A: "When I was 8 or 9."
Q: Where do you train?
A: "In College Park (Maryland) -- the Junior Tennis Champion Center. It's a really good program."
Q: With anyone in particular?
A: "My coach is Vesa Ponikka and my other coach -- Frank Salazar -- is with me. He came to watch this tournament."
Q: Where are you going from here?
A: "I'm playing the Easter Bowl ITF. The one that this was supposed to be."
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: "Go to school, I go to a normal private school. I go all day and then play tennis. It's pretty tough."
Q: Are you thinking about college?
A: "Definitely. I don't really know where yet, but I'm starting to look and narrow it down a little. It still seems like a far away option."
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